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With Healing in Their Wings

By Joel Osteen | Nov 03, 2023


We all face times when life is so overwhelming that we feel we’re to the breaking point. We may be dealing with an illness, a relationship that’s falling apart, or a setback to our business. We’ve done the right thing, worked hard, but the situation gets worse and we don’t think we can take anymore. It’s not that we’re weak or don’t have faith; it’s battle fatigue.

God sees what you’re going through, and He knows when it’s too much. The Scripture says, “God is a very present help in times of trouble” (Psalm 46:1). He will send angels to strengthen you, to encourage you, to help lighten that load. Angels are called “ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation (Hebrews 1:14). They are messengers that God uses to carry out His will, to fight our battles, to push back forces of darkness, and to refresh and reenergize us. Be encouraged that God has already dispatched angels with healing in their wings, with strength, with favor, with fresh vision, with victory. You’re going to feel a supernatural power lifting that load, a new attitude giving you a second wind so you can step up and fulfill your purpose.

In Matthew 4, after Jesus had endured forty days of fasting in the desert, was at His weakest and overwhelmed, exhausted and hungry, hot and dry, the enemy came to tempt Him. Jesus faced and resisted three temptations that must have brought Him close to a breaking point in His human limitations. After He passed these tests, the Scripture says, “Angels came and strengthened Him(Matthew 4:11). Notice that God the Father sent angels to strengthen Him, to refresh Him, to give Him what He needed for His destiny. The Scripture says that Jesus came out of the desert “in the power of the Spirit(Luke 4:14). How could He come out more powerful after He faced so much opposition? Angels showed up, bringing supernatural strength, energy, favor, and courage.

You too may be in a dry place, and you don’t see how you can keep going. You’re fighting the good fight but suffering from battle fatigue. It feels like it’s too much. God sees what’s happening. You didn’t go into that dry place by accident. That wilderness was not easy, but you passed the test. You’ve stayed faithful, didn’t give up, didn’t quit believing. As with Jesus, God is about to send angels to strengthen you, to bring new life, fresh vision, and encouragement. You’re not just going to come out of the desert having barely survived. You’re going to come out in the power of the Spirit, with fresh vision, fresh favor, renewed strength, and ready for the new levels that God has in store.

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