Zionike Inspirational Shares the Gospel of Christ, the Good News, the Bible to Impact the Lives of Many Around the World. Bringing Healing and Transformation to Nations.


It’s Time for Your Healing!

Are you believing God for emotional, relational or physical healing? You can experience Gods healing and loving touch today. It doesn’t matter how long you have been waiting, today is your day of miracle:


Receive the truth and get rid of wrong assumptions

      • Understand that Gods wants to see you healed today! (3 John 2)
      • Stay in the right environment by reading and watching healing scriptures, testimonies, and experiences of others.

Receive your healing.

      • Lay your hands on yourself or the sick.
      • Visualize yourself healed. See yourself recovered. See yourself doing the things you couldn’t do.
      • Speak with boldness and authority to that sickness and command it to leave your body and never return.
      • Don’t get caught up with your feeling, stay focused on Gods truth and word. If he says you are healed, then you are healed.

Retain your healing.

      • Celebrate and thank Him for your healing.
      • Receive your healing NOW! Its done. Glory to God!!
      • Exercise yourself to do what you couldn’t do.
      • Remain in the right word environment and faith declaring your healing.

Watch these 2 Videos Below to receive the Word and Prayers for Healing:

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Today, lots of people struggle through life with damaged emotions. They’ve endured a lot of negative things, causing untold damage that needs to be dealt with. But all too often, these hurts are simply swept under the rug to in an attempt to make them go away.

Steps to receive for your emotional healing:

  • Facing the truth— Can be the beginning of a happier life!

To receive emotional healing, one of the first steps you must take is to face the truth. You can’t be set free while living in denial. You can’t pretend that certain negative things didn’t happen to you.

  • Share your story with someone you trust.

There’s a place for sharing with someone you trust the things that have occurred in our lives. There’s something powerful about verbalizing your experience to someone else that does wonders for us—but use wisdom. Sharing helps us process and release the pain. This has worked for thousands and thousands of people.

Other Steps:

  • See the pain released and cleaned out. Assume some personal responsibility. Some people are trapped in denial, afraid of what might happen if others find out the truth. But as long as they deny the past, they’re never going to be free from it. 
  • Prayerfully release those hurts, pains unforgiveness to Christ today.
  • Visualize or see him receive those hurts, pain and brokenness. Believe that He has taken it from you, irrespective of your feeling now.
  • Declare in Faith that you are healed and begin to celebrate God!
  • Continue to speak the truth about your healing and deliverance daily and consistently.


Practice these and see healing and transformation in the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ! Amen!

If you followed these steps and received your healing, please contact us.

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