Zionike Inspirational Shares the Gospel of Christ, the Good News, the Bible to Impact the Lives of Many Around the World. Bringing Healing and Transformation to Nations.


How Will Studying the Bible Help Me?

The words within its pages are like medicine to your soul. It has the power to change your life because there is life in the Word! (Hebrews 4:12.)

If we don’t study God’s Word consistently and apply this truth to our lives, we will not function in the power and authority we need to mature in Christ and glorify God in this world.

What I am saying is that as long as the heir is a child, he is no different from a slave, although he owns the whole estate. (Gal 4:1)

No matter where you are in your walk with God, I want to encourage you to start spending time in His Word today and be determined to stick with it! You’ll find that every time you study the Bible and pay attention to what you’re reading, you’re learning something.

Proverbs 4:20-22; “My son, be attentive to my words for they are life to those who find them”

What do I Study?

There’s really no wrong place to start. You can study anything that’s going to help you. If you’re dealing with anger or fear, use a concordance and locate those words to see which scriptures talk about them. This is called Topical based study.

You can also choose to read through the books of the bible chapter by chapter. I recommend studying the entire New Testament beginning from Matthew. This is called Book based study.

Practical Steps to Study the Bible

Below are some practical steps you can take to begin digging into God’s Word now:

  • Set a convenient time.

Treat God, like you treat a real person you respect because He is a King. Set an appointment with Him in the mornings or evenings or whatever time works for you. The key thing is CONSISTENCY. Create a time pattern that you will stay consistent with. It will help you learn discipline which will transform you in other areas of life. Just start somewhere and you’ll see the fruit that this time brings to your life!

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  • Prepare for your appointment.

Have a place that you enjoy being—a room in your house where you can be alone, or somewhere you are comfortable and like to be.
Have all your materials available. You will need the following:

    • Your Bible,
    • Good Bible dictionary
    • Concordance (if possible)
    • Pen and paper
    • All these tools you can

also find online for FREE.

  • Prepare your heart in worship.

Learn to worship God before you study to prepare your heart and focus your spirit. You can download gospel songs from YouTube and other platforms. Avoid worshiping from online where you will have advert interruptions.

  • Pray

Talk to God about things you may need to confess and enter your study time peacefully and without anything that may block you from receiving revelation during your study.

  • You are now set to Study.

As you study, take note of thoughts that jump at you through the study and write them down.

    • Journaling is your first step to hearing and processing God’s voice speaking to you.
    • When we read: We become aware, and we gain initial foundational knowledge.
    • When we study: We understand and get deeper knowledge as we compare and relate scriptures with scriptures.
    • When we meditate: We relate with the word, we experience the reality of the word and we become what we read.

Make it a top priority in your life to study God’s Word because there is power in it to change your life and help you become the person God wants you to be.

An investment into personal study of God’s word and fellowship with the spirit is the greatest investment you can make in your life, Trust Me!

Watch how your life will begin to make progress Upward and Forward with time!

If you followed these steps and you seeing results, please reach out to us.

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