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Learn to Live on the Resurrection Side of the cross


Behold, it was for my peace that I had intense bitterness; but You have loved back my life from the pit of corruption and nothingness, for You have cast all my sins behind Your back.

— Isaiah 38:17 (AMPC)


We must live on the resurrection side of the cross. Jesus was crucified and raised from the dead so that we might no longer be stuck in sin, living miserable lives. Many people wear a necklace called a crucifix, which is an emblem of Jesus hanging on the cross.


Often, we see a crucifix in a church with Jesus hanging on it. I know it is done to remember and honor Him and I am not against it, but the truth is that He is not on the cross any longer. The Romans crucified thousands of people, but only One rose again from the dead. Now He is seated in heavenly places with His Father and has also lifted us above the low level of thinking and living sinful, worldly lives.


The apostle Paul said he was determined to know Jesus and the power of His resurrection that lifted Him out from among the dead (see Philippians 3:10). Jesus came to lift us out of the ordinary, out of negative thinking, guilt, shame, and condemnation. He came to take our sins to the cross and defeat them. Sin has no power over us any longer because we are forgiven, and the penalty has been paid.


Which side of the cross are you living on: the crucifixion side or the resurrection side? It is good and respectful to remember that Jesus suffered a terrible death for us on the cross, but we need to also realize that He rose from the dead and made a new life available to us. There is a popular song titled “Because He Lives,” and it is about how Jesus’ death and resurrection give us the power and privilege to live life in victory today. Because He lives, we can love ourselves in an unselfish way. A way that enables us to be all we can be for God’s glory. The only way I know to say it is: Get a new attitude about yourself! Stop thinking that your failures and mistakes are too much for God. He isn’t looking at them, and you need to stop looking at them, too. Deal with them in Christ and go on!

Prayer of the Day:

Father God, thank You for sending Jesus to die and rise from the dead, giving us victory over sin and death. Help us to live on the resurrection side of the cross, with a new attitude about ourselves, free from guilt and shame. Empower us to love unselfishly and be all we can be for Your glory, In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.

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