Zionike Inspirational Shares the Gospel of Christ, the Good News, the Bible to Impact the Lives of Many Around the World. Bringing Healing and Transformation to Nations.

How to Overcome Your Doubts and Fears.


I am…being ardent and passionate for God just as all of you are today.

— Acts 22:3 (AMP)


Every human being wants to be free. We want to try new things, to be bold and fearless, to live an exciting, adventurous life.

We were created by God to have goals and to press toward them, and to dream of bigger and better things than what we have ever known. But fear and doubt can leave us frozen in place, unable to do much of anything except be idle and alone with our torment. As long as we become inactive every time we feel a doubt or have a sense of worry, we won’t live in confidence, and we’ll miss out on the exciting, adventurous life God has for us.

Please be assured that Jesus died not only for the forgiveness of your sins but also so that you might enjoy a passionate, fruitful, and powerful life in Him. Be determined to experience all that He died to give you.


Prayer of the Day:

Father, I am so grateful for promises and instructions You give me in Your Word. As I hear Your voice and obey You today, help me to experience the confident, joy-filled, overcoming life Jesus came to give me—free from doubt and fear, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.

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