Zionike Inspirational Shares the Gospel of Christ, the Good News, the Bible to Impact the Lives of Many Around the World. Bringing Healing and Transformation to Nations.

Power to Effect Changes

Power to Effect Changes by Creflo Dollar | 6 Nov 2023 Power is derived from the Greek word – Dunamis, which means “The dynamic ability to effect a change.” When you’re filled with the Holy Spirit, you received the dynamic ability cause changes in life. Don’t live your life complaining, be influential, be effective, you know Jesus said “ye […]


With Healing in Their Wings

With Healing in Their Wings By Joel Osteen | Nov 03, 2023 We all face times when life is so overwhelming that we feel we’re to the breaking point. We may be dealing with an illness, a relationship that’s falling apart, or a setback to our business. We’ve done the right thing, worked hard, but the […]


Overcoming Doubt and Living with Bold Faith

Overcoming Doubt and Living with Bold Faith by Joyce Meyer | 27 Oct 2023 They ended up without food, hungry, stranded—seemingly without hope. In that moment, Paul stood in the midst of the survivors and said to them, “I beg you to be in good spirits and take heart, for there will be no loss of life among you…” […]


Trust God for your healing

Trust god for your healing by Creflo Dollar | 2 Oct 2023 In today’s society, achieving good health has become the latest trend. Staying healthy is something we all strive for, and healing for the body and mind is everyone’s goal. No one wants to be sick; however, some people constantly struggle with illness or medical issues. Jesus went […]


Ordinary or Extraordinary?

Ordinary or Extraordinary? By Victoria Osteen  | Sep 26, 2023 What do your days feel like? Most of us go to work, come home, eat dinner, go to bed, get up the next morning, and do it again—it feels so ordinary, so routine, even mundane at times. It’s easy to wonder if we’re accomplishing what God wants […]


Facing Your Giants and Moving Forward in Life

Facing Your Giants and Moving Forward in Life  by Joyce Meyer | 23 Sept 2023 We all go through hard times in this life and have issues we need to deal with. While it’s not easy to face challenges or things that have caused pain, it can actually help us if we let God use them to do a […]
