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Why Does God Hide Himself in Times of Trouble?


Why, Lord, do you stand far off? Why do you hide yourself in times of trouble?


 — Psalm 10:1 (NIV)


We may feel at times as though God doesn’t care about us. We have a problem, and we cry out to Him, but it seems He is asleep or hiding Himself. Why? One reason God hides is to provoke us to seek Him, and another is to stretch our faith. Faith only grows as we use it, and if we get everything we want the minute we want it, our faith will never grow. Faith and patience work together to bring us to the victory He promises (see Hebrews 6:12). As difficult as waiting is, it is good for us, because it helps us grow spiritually.

God wants us to trust that His timing is perfect, that He has heard our prayers, and that He will bring the answer at just the right time. You are not alone. God is with you, and He is watching over the situation you are in right now. We spend most of our time in life waiting on God to do something, so we may as well learn to “wait well.” Whatever you are waiting on now, the wait may soon be over, but after that you will want or need something else and will need to begin waiting again.

I am waiting on God to do several things right now, and I have learned by experience that being impatient won’t get Him to hurry. We may as well enjoy ourselves while we wait. God may not be early, but He is never late. His timing is perfect.

Prayer of the Day:

Father, in moments when we feel abandoned or forgotten, help us to trust that Your timing is perfect, and that You are with us always. Grant us patience and faith, knowing that waiting is good for our spiritual growth. Thank You for Your unwavering love and guidance, In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.

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